Bug that LSPosed cannot open from notification
Let’s get straight to the point: can you open Lsposed from the notification bar?
If you can, that’s great. However, when I switched to Lineage OS, the shell crashed, and I couldn’t open the manager. So, I’m putting together this guide as a memo of how I solved it!
This solution will likely work on systems other than Lineage OS as well.
First, here’s something I just learned…
Lsposed has stopped receiving updates!!
The GitHub repository has been archived!!!
It reminds me of the old Xposed days…
Honestly, Xposed itself seems to be fading out lately, but it’s one of those things that does exactly what you need, so it’d be great if it stuck around…
Due to this, I couldn’t open Lsposed from the notification manager, and since the project has been frozen, updates are no longer expected…
Lsposed Fork
So, when in doubt, check for a fork on GitHub. I found a repository that had been updated just a few weeks ago!
I went ahead, downloaded the latest release, uninstalled the original Lsposed, and installed the fork.
After rebooting, I opened Lsposed from the notification manager, and…

It worked━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━!!!!
This should be good for a while!
Version 1.10 even feels a bit satisfying.
It’s a bit worrying to think about what might happen in the Xposed community going forward, but let’s hope the enthusiasts and geniuses out there keep it alive…
Incidentally, I also switched Shamiko (the Magisk companion) to “Zygisk Assistant.” The alternative module works the same way, and it seems to be more up-to-date at the moment.
After doing some research, it turns out the community has been going through quite a mess lately…
(I hadn’t noticed since I was just using the Magisk Manager updates.)
I’ll keep an eye on developments in the future.
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